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It may well be that Peter McCoy, that cute young lawyer who narrowly beat Anne Peterson Hutto in 2010, thanks to a third party candidate, seems to be a bit worried about the upcoming election.

Why do I say that?  Because he has called his opponent, Carol Tempel, his "extreme left opponent."

I don't think so.  Carol represents moderate, sensible views on education, jobs, taxation, and women's rights.

It seems to me that someone who wants to drain the already depleted state education budget in order to offer a big $280 tax deduction to apply to private school tuition is the real extremist.

McCoy also is in favor of further cutting the budget when it comes to jobs -- that's right, jobs like teachers, policemen, and firefighters.

Meanwhile, he throws his support behind privatizing services like schools.  You know what that means, right?  It means paying a private company more money to do a job less efficiently than good government can do.

Carol believes that good public education has always been within our grasp, but it will take our representatives in Columbia working for the people, and not corporate interests, to create a policy that taxes wisely, and spends just as wisely -- less waste, more spent on the ground, in the schools, on the streets.

If you believe more money should go to prisons than public schools, Peter McCoy is your guy.  If you want to see our schools shine, then throw your support behind Carol Tempel.

As for calling Carol his "extreme left opponent", it's not just fear talking, it's that Same Old Song.

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