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Today the Post & Courier endorsed Carol Tempel for SC House #115.  Kudos to the P & C.
This is what they had to say:


South Carolina’s public education system continues to be a defining problem. As a Charleston County educator, Carol Tempel helped provide solutions. She could offer the same as a member of the S.C. House representing District 115.

Now retired from education, she formerly served as principal of Academic Magnet High School, recognized as one of the nation’s best “choice” schools. She also helped develop the math and science curricula for the school district. Ms. Tempel, a Democrat, makes a solid case that educational improvements are a necessary part of the state’s economic development program to provide more and better jobs for its citizens.

And she is highly motivated. Among the 250 candidates who were removed from the ballot because of a filing technicality, Ms. Tempel gathered the 2,000 signatures necessary to get on the ballot as a petition candidate.

Ms. Tempel is a small business owner, and cites her personal experience with government regulation and job creation as an asset for a state lawmaker. With a Ph.D. in education, wide-ranging experience and her support of public school choice, Ms. Tempel could be a major resource for the Legislature.

We all know people who are still undecided, or may not know about voting for a Petition Candidate.  There are those people who may not think their votes count.

The Post & Courier knows that it's important to get our SC House back on track.  So pass this endorsement around and let your friends, family and co-workers know why you are voting for Carol Tempel.

Carol Tempel
Petition Candidate
SC House 115

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