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I was at a Round Table discussion hosted by my favorite County Councilwoman, Anna Johnson, a couple of weeks ago.  As the meeting wound down, and since the issue of whether to complete Route 526 would soon be bouncing back to the County Council, Councilwoman Johnson asked for an informal vote as to how many people were in favor/against/undecided.  What she learned was that of the 30 or so attending, only one was in favor, two or three undecided, the rest opposed.

I was tremendously impressed that, after years of this fight, Ms. Johnson continued to be determined to take the pulse of her constituents at every available opportunity.

Likewise, Carol Tempel, Petition Candidate for SC House #115, has stated that she will insist on a transparent process, and that her constituents are kept informed and have input throughout.

What a great idea -- participatory Democracy!

We who live in those potentially affected areas and drive those potentially affected roads, are really the only ones who know how such a drastic change would affect our lives.  It is politicians who make their decisions based on the most profitable outcome; it is representatives who base their decisions on the needs and wishes of the people.

Let's make sure to elect a woman who will represent us.

Carol Tempel
Petition Candidate
SC House #115

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