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If you haven't yet been introduced to FreedomWorks, it's time.  Despite it's patriotic sounding name, FreedomWorks is funded by all those right-wing extremists that believe that no tax is a good tax (unless it goes to big corporations), and that money that you don't work for -- like investment income and inheritance -- is more valuable than money earned through actual hard work.

Here in South Carolina, we have lots of notables on the FreedomWorks roster.  The lovely Jim DeMint scored a 91% on FreedomWorks' economic scorecard in 2003; he worked tirelessly to end up with a near-perfect 98% for his 2011 voting record (what on earth could that 2% have represented???).  Today, though, he out-DeMint's DeMint, with a just-announced perfect score of 100%.  "You-lie" class act Joe Wilson and Tim Scott are also reported by FreedomWorks to be "other winners."  On that, I must agree.  And that is not a compliment.

Tim Scott believes fervently in what these FreedomWorks folks call "school choice".  He himself went to public school in South Carolina, and despite his apparent success, he is at the forefront in dismantling public education.  In the illogical twists and turns of the FreedomWorks right-wing mind, he has convinced himself that the key to helping children in poor neighborhoods is for businesses to get involved in school programs, without nasty government intervention -- or dollars -- and this will provide quality education for all.

Yes, you heard him right.  Tim Scott actually says he believes we can "think our way out of poverty."

Why would a smart man say something so dumb?  Because there really is absolutely no defense for killing public education.  Businesses will not equitably fund all neighborhoods.  Parents may not know which are the best choices for their children, and even if they know, may not find open seats available, or have the means to transport a child to that school.  And, guess what, those good schools are not going to be plentiful, and they aren't going to be cheap.

Honestly?  In Tim Scott's America, school choice will exist only for those with the most cash, and the means to investigate, apply for, and then get their kids to the "best schools."  When we allow Tim Scott and Jim DeMint, and here in the SC House, folks like Peter McCoy to win their war against funding public schools, we will see even worse discrimination between the rich and poor.  Oh, and those who will be getting both taxed and slammed will be the middle class, because how else can you pull off this sleight-of-hand?

Bobbie Rose has a more reality-based and let me say democratic philosophy about education.  She knows that the only way to provide good schools for all is for South Carolina to work with the Federal Government to provide the long-overdue investment in our children.  This means that folks like Tim Scott and Jim DeMint will have to pay slightly higher taxes so that all children will have the opportunity they deserve.  (Sorry, guys, that's how true "freedom works.")

And let's not forget how important it is to get real pro-education legislators in Columbia to work with the federal government to distribute our tax dollars equitably and sensibly.  Carol Tempel, SC House Petition Candidate, knows first hand how to turn education around in South Carolina.  She knows, unlike her opponent Peter McCoy, that slash-and-burn tax cuts will never work.

"School choice" isn't really about choice.  But this election truly is about choice.  We can choose those folks that talk about freedom while they curtail ours, or we can elect candidates who will represent us, our families, our children, our future.

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