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After the disappointment of Carol Tempel losing to Tea Party youngster Peter McCoy, and my anger at voters who don't listen, really listen, to the issues and realize what is at stake, I got to thinking about what Carol really accomplished.

First of all, she was not allowed to run as a Democrat due to some well-designed fine print which kept many good people off their party's ballot.  She decided that it would be wrong to let this House seat go uncontested.  Carol decided that the people in her district had a right to hear the issues and debate over her opponent's record and his plans for the future.

On the ballot, she was not only unable to run as a Democrat, she was unable to run as a Green Party or Working Families fusion candidate.

Further, the SC House of Representatives may not be doing much for their constituents, but they were able to successfully tackle redistricting, to assure incumbent re-election.  The district that Carol ran with was bizarre and schizophrenic, and it accomplished its purpose.  It divided the James Island community, and gave Peter McCoy the advantage by adding white, pro-big-business, pro-tax-cut voters.

Still, Carol managed to get the endorsement of the Post and Courier, quite a feat for a third party candidate.

And she may not have won the election, but she forced McCoy out into the open.

She worked tirelessly, and I believe she accomplished what she set out to do.  She got people in House 115 to hear the candidates, and two sides of the issues.

The fact that over 4,700 people voted for Carol is proof that she was heard.

It was an amazing race, and Carol's loss is truly our loss. But we should all thank her for what she has done for her community.
Freida McDuffie
11/11/2012 02:18:26 am

Actually, the official election results shown on Charleston County Election Commission website shows a total of 5388 votes for Carol, or 32% of votes cast... good finish for a petition candidate and a great lesson in participatory democracy!

Carol ran a clean campaign, presenting the facts and making no personal attacks. She used her educational background and experience to bring awareness to the community of critical issues in our public schools. Since students are really her only "special interests", I am hopeful that our State representative from District 115 will listen to Carol's thoughts and be receptive to her ideas about improving our schools.

11/11/2012 11:32:46 am

Thank you for running! You did a great job!


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